CBD Benefits
CBD (Cannabidiol) is a natural compound with potentially life-changing health benefits and few side effects. It is produced by the cannabis plant, but by itself CBD is not psychoactive and doesn’t produce the high its THC cousin is famous for.
A brief history of CBD
While CBD enjoys a new popularity among doctors and patients, it isn’t new at all. It’s been around since Chinese healers discovered its therapeutic properties thousands of years ago. Today modern medicine recognizes the many medical benefits of cannabis. CBD in particular is known to be both safe and effective in treating all kinds of common ailments.
How is CBD different from marijuana?
Some people still think CDB and marijuana are the same thing. But that’s not necessarily true. Medicinal CBD often comes from hemp: the stalks and stems of the cannabis plant. Marijuana, on the other hand, is mainly leaves and buds. Some CBD producers grow their own strains and dramatically reduce THC content on purpose. The result is nobody gets “high” or “stoned” using prescribed amounts of CBD.
Who uses CBD?
Professionally produced CBD and CBD oil can be used by almost anyone. In a study of CBD users in the United States, the top three (3) conditions patients sought treatment for were pain, anxiety and depression. But the reasons people turn to CBD are extremely varied. Check below for our list of common ailments treated with CBD.
What about CBD oil?
CBD oil is made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant then diluting it with a carrier oil like coconut or hemp seed oil. Your weight, diet, metabolism, genetics and environment all effect how you react to CBD and how much you need. Patients often start with a small dose and increase it slowly to feel relief. Be sure to consult Doctor Rohloff and DO NOT self-medicate. Keep a good eye on your symptoms and either reduce or stop taking CBD oil if you experience any adverse side effects.
Is CBD safe?
CBD and CBD oil are considered very safe for most people. CBD provides significant health benefits without any serious side effects. This has been reported in various studies including one in 2019 that confirmed CBD is indeed safe for human consumption. Side effects, if any, are generally mild and temporary. Even so, please talk to Doctor Rohloff before using CBD as a medication. It is important to understand how it might interact with other drugs or even your lifestyle.
How does CBD work?
The human body naturally produces certain cannabinoids on its own. But the system that does this actually has two receptors reserved for additional cannabinoids. These are called CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are found mostly in the brain. They involve coordination and movement, pain response, emotions and mood, appetite and even memories. These receptors respond to THC. CB2 receptors, on the other hand, are more commonly found in the immune system and mostly affect inflammation and pain. Remarkably, research shows CBD can actually trigger your body to use more of its own naturally produced cannabinoids.
CBD and Side Effects
Though CBD is considered safe some people may experience negative side effects. The most common ones include:
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Irritability
- Change In Appetite
- Tiredness
- Diarrhea
Please consult Doctor Rohloff before using CBD to treat any condition.
Medical cannabis has been legal in Canada since 2001. Today Canadians use CBD to manage all kinds of physical and mental health conditions. CBD oil is the most popular option but CBD edibles and vapes are growing in popularity. CBD offers a variety of potential health benefits with few side-effects. Today it’s widely grown and readily available as capsules, edible oils or vapour. Patients who vape CBD oil do not suffer the harmful effects of smoking tobacco.
~ See also CBD Treatments